badger cull造句


  1. Hart is an outspoken supporter of hunting and the badger cull.
  2. The plotline came within weeks of the government confirming a badger cull trial.
  3. She has called for a commons debate on the badger cull, which she opposed.
  4. A Badger Trust statement indicated the 2012 / 13 badger cull had three specific aims:
  5. His departure was widely attributed to his handling of the summer floods and the badger cull.
  6. It's difficult to find badger cull in a sentence. 用badger cull造句挺难的
  7. It has been severely criticised recently for ignoring scientific data and granting extended badger cull licences to DEFRA.
  8. Crouch voted against the badger cull, speaking during the debates on the subject in October 2012 and June 2013.
  9. As a result, scientists, the RSPCA and other animal charities called for greater transparency over the pilot badger culls.
  10. In October 2012, MPs voted 147 in favour of a motion to stop the 2012 / 2013 badger cull and 28 against.
  11. In 2014 the outgoing Environment Agency chair badger cull he had been responsible for, Paterson famously replied that " the badgers have moved the goalposts ."
  12. Pollock resigned from the Welsh Government s Bovine TB Eradication Programme Board in 2012, over the Welsh government's reversal of a planned badger cull.
  13. In May 2015, the company said that they will stop serving milk from farms in Gloucestershire's badger cull areas following intimidation from animal-rights activists.
  14. In December 2015, Defra released documents confirming the badger cull had " met government targets " with 756 animals culled in Dorset, 432 in Gloucestershire and 279 in Somerset.
  15. Rural Economy and Land Use Programme fellow Angela Cassidy has identified one of the major forces underlying the opposition to badger culls as originating in the historically positive fictional depictions of badgers in British literature.
  16. He also became spokesman for the organisation and, alongside his long-term partner Nicola Dodd and Queen's guitarist Brian May, he was at the forefront of the high-profile campaign which resulted in the badger cull being stopped in Wales.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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